The ship has been converted into a walk-in camera obscura. The spectators are taken back to the source of the development of the picture producing apparatus of seeing. On the projection screen the passengers see events on the river bank upside down and reversed left to right as a 1:1 film. The novel perception of space and direction of movement require reorientation. Image and sound remain synchronised whereby the sound often announces the expected image, albeit from the other side. This active and complex reception leads to intense three dimensional impressions.
Two lenses which have been mounted to the left and right of the side of the boat and are staggered in hight project three-dimensional 'temporary colour films' of the urban environment onto two transparent screens. The world is viewed upside down and reversed from left to right except for large words which have been pinned upside down and reversed (mirrored) onto the balconies of the Fontane Lake Hotel. The writing thus stands out as readable as opposed to the rest of the projected world. The optical terms play with double-meanings.
Das Schiff ist zu einer begehbaren Camera obscura umfunktioniert. Während der Fahrt generieren die rechts sowie links lokalisierten Linsen in einer besonderen Dreidimensionalität auf zwei transparente Projektionsflächen farbige auf dem Kopf stehende „temporäre Filme“ der urbanen Umgebung. In dieser entdecken die Passagiere die Wörter: SUCHER, WELLEN - LÄNGE, ENDLICH, TIEFEN - SCHÄRFE, FERN - SEHEN, BLICK - WINKEL, LICHT - BILD. Diese sind gespiegelt und auf dem Kopf an den Balkonen des Fontane Seehotels angebracht, d.h. die Schriften erscheinen in der Projektion.